Wednesday, November 2, 2011

4months dr visit (backdate)

N went for his 4months dr visit on 10/11/11

look at the plaster on his thighs from his shots :(

Height: 26.75 "

Weight: 16lb 12oz/ 7.6kgs

(I'm going to try my best to remember his milestones at that time cause he knows how to do more things now).

Lil monster loves to sit up. Lil monster can roll over minimally (cause I remember asking the doctor how come my friend's daughter that is 3 months old is capable of rolling over but he's still kind off struggling; he rolled over himself the same day!)

Dr said we could start him on rice cereal and slowly add puree vegetables.

my smily lil trooper rolled over himself while waiting to get his diaper changed :)

Our little guy got 2 shots and 1 oral this time. He took it better this time because the nurse was more gentle. Daddy approves this team of doctors and nurses. This time lil monster's fever lasted longer than the last time so I waited to start him on rice cereal.

Even though he was having fever my little trooper would still smile when we were playing with him. The only thing different was that he slept more than usual. 


  1. I'm so glad, so happy to see this link on the comment you left on my blog!!

    Baby is really a trooper. Most of all the pics I see of him, he is always smiling.

  2. Thanks Dawn! Don't get me wrong he does cry too he's not always smiling but I just didn't post it online cause I don't want to "scar" him when he's older. LOL


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