Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Almost seven months

In a few days my lil guy will be seven months old. I am proud to say that I am still breast feeding him with little to no problem now.

My initial plan was to breast feed him at least six months to as year. Thank god that we are still going strong despite our rocky start at the beginning.

I really feel for mothers when I read babycenter about them sharing or complaining about the challenges they are facing breastfeeding their infant. I too can definitely vouch that it is NOT simple at all at the beginning. I has my share of breastfeeding challenges when I first started. My lil guy would not latch well and I had no experience what so ever in breastfeeding hence my baby was not getting milk thus frustrated and hungry. I was stress because he was nursing so often which now I know is normally and to help build my supply by the way and was exhausted because I was not used to not much sleep since I had to take care of a newborn.

I'm already missing the time when he would always be nursing. Just him and me.. Now my challenge is that he's so curious and loves to look around so I cannot really feed him anywhere except the bedroom unless he's really hungry and then also he will just nurse enough and continue to look around. I am also not able to wear my nursing cover when nursing because we push and pull it. We got a new carrier for my upcoming trip back to Malaysia and I think I'm able to also breastfeed him in the carrier. Let's see how it works.

At the beginning I plan to breast feed till one years old if everything goes smoothly but my mom did suggest that if I can I should breastfeed him as long as I can since breast milk is better for him. Hubby thinks the same and said that as long as I am able to I can breastfeed him as long a I want. I will probably breastfeed him as long as I can because I really enjoy and love the bonding him and I have.

Initially I was planning on going back to work so I actually pumped and stocked up my freezer with breast milk but since I decided to quit my job and stay home with my baby I have about 300 ounces of milk in my freezer. I'm not complaining but my hubs is asking me to use at least some! I'll probably need to start using them when I come back from my vacation or even before that. If not I'll probably donate my milk to the hospital.

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