Friday, June 22, 2012

12 months 3 weeks

Height: 31.14" (88 percentile compared to other babies his age)

Weight: 22lb (9.979kgs)(37 percentile compared to other babies his age)

I've not had a chance to write about my baby's 12 month milestone because he was not feeling well the past two weeks. He was running a fever for three days and has not been eating or napping much during the day. The dr.'s office thinks that he's teething that's why there was no rush to go see the doctor. Looking at the signs I think he's teething too. After his fever he had pretty bad rashes all around his face and body!! The doctor suggested children's benadryl and if he shows no improvement or dehydrated or anything unusual take him in or send him to ER. I've been trying to nurse him very very frequent since he has not much appetite for solids and also more liquids to keep him hydrated. Now we are back to frequent comfort nursing!!! I'm not happy about that at all but have no choice because I want to make sure he's getting something in and if nursing makes him happy then it makes mummy happy.

He is a really tall and active boy. Before he started teething he was eating like an eating machine then he started losing his appetite now I'm hoping he will slowly regain his appetite again.  Although his weight is at the 37 percentile compared to babies his age his pediatrician don't seem to be concern about his weight. He is also at this age where he is so much more picky with food!! I'm running out of ideas on what to feed him. He is also now very picky with his fruits!! He will eat a few bites of fruits that he used to love like papaya, banana, pear, mango etc..

Two weekends ago we did some research and had to look high and low for some real shoes for my little man. He has some expensive shoes that my sister, my dad and my best friend bought for him. Unfortunately some are too tight and the soles are hard. They said that for babies that is learning how to walk we should get soft leather heels for them so they can feel their movement or something like that. Anyway not many stores sell these kind of shoes because I think is not so cute or something and people only want to buy cute shoes for their kids. We finally found some and they were $30++ a pair and not any name brand! O.K for a kids shoe is expensive considering they will only wear short amount of time. But this is the perfect pair cause is soft and the kind we were exactly looking for! So yes we got it! We started letting our little guy walk a little here and there holding his hands of course! He is truly enjoying it! Hopefully in the next few weeks he can easily walk and not tipping over stuff OR try to crawl when we are outdoor!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe he is already 1 year old. Happy belated birthday, Nicholas! :)


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