It's been a little over 24 hours since we my fury baby #1 has gone to the foster's house. I really miss him and I wonder how he's doing. #2 and #3 miss him too I'm sure. Hubby said that he will call the lady in charge on Monday and see how is he doing. Every where I go I see my best friend. He was my first pet and my best friend for all these years. I gave him the best I could. Every time when I go shopping I will look at stuff to buy for him and hubs always reprimand me.
My little bud and I went shopping today and I cannot help going to the pet isle trying to look for presents for my 3 fury friends. His bowl is still where it was (we gave him a new bowl to take with him). Everything of his is still where it was. I cannot bare to move anything of his. It feels like he's just gone on vacation and that he will be back sometime.
I know we are doing the right thing by giving him up but I really cannot help feeling so lost. I wonder if he will stop and think about us. I wonder if he will remember us. We pray that he will have fun and don't miss us. It will suck for him to miss us. I hope our scarifies is all worth it. I hope his condition will be manageable and he will not be as miserable and get out of that ecollar that he's been wearing for two years.
Every one of our fury friends that we found are kept based on if they got along with #1. If they did not get along with #1 and show signs that they want to be the alpha dog to #1 we will find a home for the others because #1 is our priority.
I just want you to know that despite all your quirks we love you very much. I do not have any regrets picking you from the shelter. You might not be the perfect dog but you are a great dog to me. You have been with me and love me no matter what. I miss you so much and I hope that you feel better real soon. You are still young and you have a lot more to look forward to. You will always be part of our family and we will always love you and remember you.
it will take a while to get use to the new environment. i still think of Cooper a lot especially when I'm out throwing the freesbie for Chase. And now that Chase is so picky with his food, he spits his food on the floor, picks at them. whatever that's left on the floor, he does not eat them. That's when I wish Ranger is around, he will clean them up for me in a heart beat.
ReplyDeletedid the other 2 go looking around for Stanley after you guys came home without him?
I didn't get to drop him off because I knew I couldn't. The other two was upset when he got to "go out". They didn't know he was not coming back. The other two don't really play with him much because ever since he got sick he's been really cranky so I guess they are not missing him much but they both have not been eating much. I think they know something is wrong.